DIY Small Activity Caddy
NOTE: All board lengths are 8' long and 3/4" thick unless otherwise noted.
Cut List
Step 1
Lets start with the hanger.
Now I know you're asking, "How do I cut the rounded top?" That's not a problem. No geometry required.
Grab a bucket.
Place it on top of the 1x6 and slide the bucket forward or back till you get the rounded top you want. Then mark a line around the bucket.
Set the bucket aside and use a jigsaw to cut across the line and sand down. wal-lah, you have a rounded top.
Then drill a 1" hole 2" down from the appex of that top.
A jigsaw or handsaw can be used to cut the mating slots for the vertical back pieces.
Step 2
The two vertical pieces can be cut and two daddos routed near the bottom for the shelves. Each daddo is 3/4" thick.
Step 3
This next step can be one of two ways. First you could do it the way I have designed it here and cut for strips to dimensions. Then cut half laps on each of the ends. Mate them up and glue together.
You could also take one piece of lumber sized 5" by 9". Then drill 4 holes a half inch in from each corner big enough for a small jigsaw blade or a manual scroll saw blade.
Mark lines a half inch in all around the edges. Place a blade as mentioned earlier inside one of the holes and cut out the inside material.
Sand it down.
Step 4
Next is the shampoo shelf. This one is simple just cut a piece to the listed dimensions.
Step 5
The soap shelf can be cut just like in step 4. To attach this to the bottom simple glue will not be strong enough.
I recommend dowel holes drilled from the bottom and set in place.
Final Thoughts
The whole project needs a good sanding. If you sanded each piece as you went along this step won't be such a chore.
Since hands will be moving in and out around the shower caddy you will want to sand all the edges smooth to the touch. Take extra care around corners and smooth heavily.
Since it is made of cedar you don't need to stain but a good weather resistant seal is recommended as cedar does change color over time to a dirty greyish green.
That is usually desired on outdoor furniture but maybe not in the shower.
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