Monday, November 28, 2016

DIY Wooden Planter Box

30 Days of DIY Projects 2 Make Us Thankful

Project 28

This is the twenty eighth post of our series of projects to make us thankful for DIY.  Be sure to check back everyday during the month of November for new simple and easy DIY projects.

It's our way of saying Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at
Simply Easy DIY!

We  have planter boxes in our backyard that are currently growing herbs and other edibles.  We grow this way due to our Florida sandy soil and I'm happy to report that we've had a lot of successes.

One of our most successful gardening adventures has been this planter box.

It's made out of pine but has great bones. In other words, it's a well made design. It's pushing two years old is still going strong.

No matter what choice of wood, the design will help ensure it's success and lifespan.

Right before we built that planter box, we were using two store bought cedar planters. The design was a circular barrel shape, held together by metal strips. Once the metal strips came loose, the boards were loose and when we looked closer, the cedar boards were rotted .

Those planters lasted about a year.

Here in Florida, we use our planter boxes year round so it's like having a double growing season.

There are so many designs out there. You have to give some thought as to how much maintenance you want to do, what materials you've already got on hand, what it's going to hold, and what look you want on your property.

I've seen them made out of cedar, pine, old fence boards, hay bales, cement blocks and it seems the list goes on and on.

In other words, there is not a right way or a wrong way to make a planter box.

The planter box that you make will be great for YOUR purposes.

This is what Mitch did over at Mitch Deitrich YouTube channel. He placed his box  in the front of his home for some curb appeal in what had previously been empty unused space.

Build this DIY Wooden Planter Box:


Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed today's featured project and don't forget to stop by "Mitch Deitrich" YouTube channel to check out even more great woodworking videos from him. Don't forget to subscribe.

We hope you will return to Simply Easy DIY everyday through the month of November for more projects that make us thankful 4 DIY.

Until then!

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